
I have been working in the film and video industry since 2008 and as a freelance editor since 2013. I have devoted most of my career to editing documentary films earning a growing list of feature credits. My work has played on HBO, PBS, Netflix and Amazon Prime, earned two regional Emmy nominations, and screened in film festivals around the world including Sundance and DocNYC.

Most of the films I have worked on fall somewhere between traditional interview based documentary and pure verité styles. Whatever the filmmaker’s approach I look for moments of intimacy and honesty in the footage to build emotional connection between a film’s participants, crew and audience.

Outside the edit suite I do whatever I can to stretch my legs and replenish my Vitamin D. I especially love road cycling, running, birding, hiking, paddle boarding and playing with my kids.


I got a formal education in the SFSU Cinema Department, but my post-production chops really took shape during my five year stint at Remedy Editorial in San Francisco where I started as an intern with little knowledge of the industry and progressed to be staff editor in charge of nearly all aspects of our post-production workflow. After going freelance I kept up the technical skillset I had built in those early years while shifting my creative focus to documentary editing. I have worked with and learned from a growing list of talented filmmakers including James Redford, Mark Decena, Owsley Brown, Anne Flatté, and Marlon Johnson.

Technical Experience

Adobe’s Premiere Pro is my choice editing platform, though I am also comfortable editing in Avid or Resolve. In addition to editing, I have ample experience doing simple motion design, title design and color grading. I have a firm grasp on project workflow for feature films and, at times, have doubled as a post-production supervisor.


My studio at my home in Alameda, CA.

Photo by Dan Tennery-Spalding


15 years


Premiere, Avid, Resolve, After Effects


San Francisco Bay Area or Remote


BA in Cinema, San Francisco State University, 2003-2007


My son, Simon, chips in on an edit.